Wednesday, January 14, 2009

une semaine

I have been in Lyon a little over a week, and I have decided to keep a blog. This will be more of a record documenting the things I have seen and the places I have been so that I don't forget them.

I have made an ever expanding list thus far of things (beyond the obvious) that are different in France than in the United States:
1. The toilet paper is pink
2. There are no shower curtains
3. All of the pillows are square instead of rectangular
4. Most of the streets are one way
5. There is dog poop on all of the sidewalks
6. You are not given free bags when you buy groceries

My first week here I have spent a lot of time exploring the city. I hiked up the Fourvière Hill where the Basilique Notre-Dame de Fourvière looks out over Lyon.


  1. Such a cool idea. You are the coolest ever and I will love reading stuff off of your blog.

    "It's not better. It's not worse. It's just different."

  2. I mean... journals are cool. But this way more people know about it. I would suggest that you should keep a separate journal for the really juicy stuff.
